Saving Your Marriage

Think You're A Functional Alcoholic? Think Again

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Many alcoholics who haven’t yet hit their rock bottom label themselves as “functional.” They believe that because nothing dramatically bad has happened to them as a result of their addiction, they’re handling things just fine. While it’s true that some alcoholics can certainly go months or even years without major alcohol-related catastrophes, the reality is that their addiction can often catch up to them. If you consider yourself to be a functional alcoholic, it’s time to reconsider that label and, instead, plan to visit a treatment center for help.…

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How To Divorce When You'Re Still In Love

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Every marriage is built on love and respect. However, due to various complicated difficulties in life, the marriage is corroded by miscommunication or lack of communication until love and respect are replaced by hate and even disgust. The seemingly long and winding road of a dysfunctional marriage is approaching one destination: divorce. But then again, not all divorce happens without love. After all, love is the most enduring emotion. It can last a lifetime even though respect, compassion, understanding, and commitment are gone.…

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Drug Detox: Spotting The Signs Of Drug Abuse And Stepping In To Help

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Each year there are millions of people who require treatment for drug addiction. And there are still more people suffering from the disease who do not seek treatment for their addiction. This may be due to inability to find proper treatment, cost, or lack of insurance. Rehab is one of the most common ways to battle drug addiction. The length of the programs varies depending on the person, addiction, and facility.…

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