Saving Your Marriage

How Life Counseling Services Can Help After A Life-Altering Event

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When you are going about your daily life, you rarely think that anything is going to drastically change. However, there are points in everyone’s life that are completely and totally life-altering. These events can change the course and path of your life and can have a major impact on every aspect of it. Such events could include car accidents, the loss of a loved one, getting fired or let go, a divorce, or a myriad of other events.…

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Why Seek Ibogaine Treatment?

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Ibogaine treatment uses the drug ibogaine to counteract the effects of opiate addiction. If you’re addicted to pain medication or other forms of opiate drugs, rehab might be just the thing you need to get sober. Here are three reasons you should seek treatment at an ibogaine center: 1. You’ve tried and failed to cease drug use on your own. Many drug addicts have tried and failed to stop drug use in the past.…

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Don't Let Anxiety Control Your Life

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Anxiety is an emotion that is characterized by excessive worrying and fear. Anxiety can disrupt your work routine or result in you missing out on fun activities with your loved ones and friends. In extreme cases, a person with this type of mental illness may shut themselves off completely from others. If you have been feeling panicked lately, due to what you have been watching on the news, it might benefit you to speak to a counselor who specializes in anxiety disorders.…

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