Saving Your Marriage

3 Tips to Help a Child Cope with a Traumatic Experience

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There are many situations that can be emotionally traumatic for a child. Whether it’s losing a loved one, being injured in an accident, or going through a period of bullying at school, you need to take action to rectify the situation and help turn their condition around. To help with this, follow the three tips below: Spend Time with Your Child In order to help your child overcome their traumatic experience, you need to actively engage them on a day-to-day basis.…

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Important Things To Know If A Loved One Needs Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment

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If you suddenly realize that a loved one is in need of inpatient psychiatric treatment, it can be scary. Not only are you concerned about the mental state of him or her, you are also worried about how things work at these types of facilities. If it is at all possible, you should be the one to admit the patient instead of having it court ordered or having them end up there as a result of police or medical intervention.…

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3 Ways To Boost Your Child's Mental Health

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When you want to be sure that you are getting your child off to a great start in their lives, mental health is so crucial. The mind leads everything else, so if your child feels clouded and blocked mentally, it will be difficult to process their emotions, focus on school work and otherwise live the productive life that they deserve to live. With this in mind, you can follow these tips below in order to allow your child to thrive.…

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