Saving Your Marriage

How Somatic Therapy Can Work For PTSD, Chronic Pain, And Anxiety And Depression

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Somatic therapy is a way to focus on the mind-body connection, which can help a range of conditions. It is particularly effective for treating mental health conditions such as ASD, PTSD, chronic pain, anxiety, and depression. Somatic therapy can be the right choice for some people to use alone or in combination with other forms of therapy and/or medication. Acute Stress And Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders Acute stress disorder (ASD) and post-traumatic disorder (PTSD) are mental health conditions that can occur after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event.…

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How Can Youth Welfare Donations Help Kids And Teens?

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Children have complex physical and emotional needs. They require sustenance, love, guidance, and education. When parents are unable to fully provide for their kids, charity programs can step in to fill in the gaps. You can help kids by contributing financially to these programs. Here are some of the ways that youth welfare programs assist children and teens:  1. Provide happy holidays for every child. The holidays are a special time for most people.…

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Exploring The Benefits Of EMDR Therapy

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EMDR therapy may not be something you are familiar with, but if you struggle with past trauma, it may be incredibly helpful. While EMDR only emerged in the late 1980s and early 1990s, it has helped many patients process trauma. Here’s a closer look at this unique type of therapy and how it could be beneficial in your healing process. What Is EMDR? EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is an evidence-based psychotherapy used to treat a wide range of psychological issues, particularly trauma-based ones.…

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