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Childhood Trauma: Is In-Patient Treatment An Option?

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Most parents want their children to feel happy and safe. Sadly, many children have dealt with childhood trauma in spite of their parents' best efforts. Childhood trauma is not as uncommon as you might think, and it is important to be able to recognize the signs. There are different forms of treatment available to help children deal with childhood trauma, including inpatient treatment. Here are some things you need to know:

What Is Childhood Trauma?

Trauma is a term used to describe a variety of distressing and scary experiences one goes through. For children, trauma can impact their lives forever. Even situations that one would not think is traumatic, such as a parent's divorce, can be quite devastating for children and can have long-term impacts on their mental health. Trauma is on a spectrum and is different for each child, which is why personal, individualized treatment is crucial.

Childhood trauma can last into adulthood and result in many issues in life. Children who grew up with trauma can have trouble learning, adhering to rules and laws, have a strong sense of fear and failure, and feel a sense of helplessness that follows them for the rest of their lives if they do not receive treatment.

Is In-Patient Treatment Ideal for Childhood Trauma?

There are several forms of treatment for trauma treatment for kids. First and foremost, children need to have a strong support system at home or within a close circle of trusted individuals. Just as important is the need for proper mental healthcare. Therapy sessions are a must for children to learn how to better cope with their trauma. Without this treatment, children can suffer from flashbacks, depression, panic, and depression. Therapy helps to reduce these symptoms so children can live a happier, more prosperous life. Therapy can be done on an outpatient or in-patient basis.

In-patient treatment helps to provide full-time support and guidance to the child to help them heal. The goal of an in-patient program is to address the experiences a child has had while providing a safe and comfortable environment. There are different forms of therapy a child may have while in an in-patient program, including cognitive therapy, somatic therapy, and dialectical behavioral therapy.

If you have a child who has experienced some form of trauma, do not hesitate to get them help. There is sometimes a stigma that comes with any type of mental illness, but parents and caregivers must go beyond the stigma to get a child the help they need to heal and have a successful life.
